Which video platforms are supported?
1v1Chat supports a variety of platforms where users can engage in one-on-one video chats.
What formats are supported?
You can chat with video or audio formats depending on your preference.
How can I switch the format?
Simply click on the format switch button during a chat session to toggle between video and audio.
Is there a maximum video chat duration?
Currently, there is no limit to the length of your video chat sessions on 1v1Chat.
Where are the chats saved?
1v1Chat does not store your chat sessions. However, your browser might save chat history in its cache.
I can't access 1v1Chat on my device.
Please ensure that you are using a modern browser and that your device is connected to the internet.
I encountered an error during a chat session.
If you encounter an issue, try clearing your browser cache and reloading the page. If the problem persists, contact our support team via the contact form.